
Clergy will be advised that the definition of regular/committed church attendance is every 2 weeks for the past 18 months

Initial Entry Requirements

Admissions Policy

Mid Course Entry

Mid course vacancies arise from pupils leaving the school, notably through the departure of their families from the area. These vacancies will be filled from potential applicants who have applied and have been held on a waiting list until such a vacancy occurs. Such applications are treated sympathetically by the Governors, again against the background of their Initial Entry criteria, but having regard also to the anticipated incidence of arrivals and departures of pupils in the age and tuition group concerned during the school year in question.

Enquiries with regard to mid course entry should be made, in the first instance, to the Headteacher at the school. Following this, formal application for admission confirming the circumstances should be made to the Clerk to the Governors. Such applications will then be dealt with as outlined above, with a right of appeal against refusal permitted, as with Initial Entry applications.

School Admission Forms