Message from Dr Mitchell

Dear pupils, parents/carers,
As you may be aware, I am leaving at the end of this academic year to take up a new role as a school improvement adviser. I will certainly miss our wonderful pupils who make me smile every day as I see them flourish.  I really could not be prouder of them- they are amazing young people who I am sure will go on to make a positive impact in our world. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents/carers for your continued support throughout the past 18 years that I have been Headteacher in St John’s. I honestly believe that we are like a family as we work together to support our young people.
It has been an enormous privilege being Headteacher at St John’s and have so many cherished memories to take with me.
I will keep you our whole school family in my thoughts and prayers and I wish all continued success and happiness.
God Bless
Dr S M Mitchell, Headteacher