Faith and Worship

Look down,

O loving Saviour,

upon us Your children,

and make this School a blessing to us all.

Give us attentive ears to hear,

willing hearts to learn,

and ready wills to obey.

Teach us how to pray and lead us to Thyself,

so that we may know thee as our Saviour and worship thee as our king.


All staff and pupils participate in and support collective worship, including church services, assemblies and form prayers.

The school has fostered close links with the clergy in the parishes from which children are admitted to the school and from the wider area within the Diocese. The clergy lead school worship at whole school celebrations of Holy Eucharist and at other important festivals. The clergy provide support and leadership for the weekly year Eucharist services held at the school. They also visit the school to support the work of the Religious Education Curriculum area and to provide insight into church activities, the sacraments and contribute to the teaching. On occasions clergy will lead assemblies or special services. They also respond to our requests for pastoral help and guidance for individual pupils or groups of pupils who may feel the need for such care.

Clergy also actively encourage pupils to take part in Diocesan Activities and will lead pilgrimages to Llandaff, St Davids and Rome.

Religious Education and Collective Worship are a cornerstone of the life and work of the school.