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09:58 AM - 31 Jan 2025

Congratulations to our fantastic team who have progressed to the regional final of the ESU Public Speaking Competition. A particular well done to Luke ("Best Speaker") and Maya ("Best Questioner")— StJohnsAberdare () January 31, 2025

09:00 AM - 9 Jan 2025

Congratulations to the students and who have collected GCSE mathematics or numeracy results this morning. This gives students a strong platform to build upon and we are very proud of their achievements. Overall, a tremendous performance by…— Marc Belli () January 9, 2025

14:23 PM - 5 Jan 2025

After a restful Christmas break, we look forward to welcoming all pupils and staff back to school tomorrow for the start of the spring term. Remember to pack for week 2— StJohnsAberdare () January 5, 2025

11:36 AM - 25 Dec 2024

We are proud supporters of ‘Company at Christmas’, which celebrates its 10th year of spreading joy and happiness to others. The selfless dedication and compassion of the volunteers helps make a difference to so many, who may otherwise feel alone 🙌🏻— StJohnsAberdare () December 25, 2024

16:52 PM - 19 Dec 2024

St John's closes for the Christmas recess and we look forward to welcoming pupils and staff on Monday 6th January 2025. Wishing everyone a very happy and holy Christmas— StJohnsAberdare () December 19, 2024

20:25 PM - 18 Dec 2024

Throughout this week, pupils and staff have been exploring the true meaning of Christmas with reading, music and prayer. Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Annual Carol Service this evening— StJohnsAberdare () December 18, 2024

06:35 AM - 17 Dec 2024

The Carol Service due to take place at St Fagans will now take place in the school hall. Wednesday 18th December at 6pm.— StJohnsAberdare () December 17, 2024

20:45 PM - 13 Dec 2024

Year 13 student and Head Boy, Dylan, attended the WJEC Innocation Awards in the Senedd yesterday. With over 1,000 students undertaking AS design and technology last year, this is a highly competitive field. We are proud that Dylan secured second place. Congratulations, Dylan! 🙌🏻— StJohnsAberdare () December 13, 2024

14:25 PM - 12 Dec 2024

Year 12 helping prepare for Company at Christmas which is held in our school on Christmas Day.— Mrs Long () December 12, 2024

11:55 AM - 11 Dec 2024

We look forward to welcoming pupils, family, staff and friends to our Christmas Carol Service, which takes place at St Fagan's Church, Aberdare at 6.00pm— StJohnsAberdare () December 11, 2024

Additional Learning Needs

St John's recognises embraces the philosophy that everyone has specific needs, and we fully understand and are committed to supporting those who may require extra care and attention. We know that many pupils, at some time in their livese, may require short or long-term support in order for them to make progress to overcome barriers to learning. We believe our pupils should remain at the core of all our decisions and our aim is to deliver a fully inclusive education provision for all who learn at our school. 

The Additional Learning Needs (ALN) department at St John's main objective is to accurately identify, assess and provide bespoke support for pupils who have additional learning needs. The department is a busy yet caring environment that provides a very strong level of structured support. Our main consideration is the welfare, happiness and ensuring the progress made by our pupils, based on their individual needs. The school has adopted the NurtureUK programme for some time and has won a national award for its work in this area. Nurture approaches are designed to provide bespoke opportunities for pupils and young people to develop their social and emotional skills and understanding. This enables them to grow in confidence and improve their learning and life skills, as well as developing coping stratgies to build resilience. For more information about Nurture UK, please click on the link.

The department has a robust transition programme to reduce anxiety of those pupils joining the school, as well as helping to accurately identify individual need. Information between primary schools and St John's ordinarily takes place in the latter half of the summer term. This is supplemented by additional visits for those pupils who have been offered, and have accepted a place, with the school. Year 10 pupils at St John's arrange a transition 'party' for ALN pupils, which also enables pupils to feel less worried about the leap from primary to secondary school.

Our Mix and Chat (MAC) Club is available prior to registration, as well as at break and lunchtimes. This is designed for pupils who wish to experience a calm environment during unstructured times.

Additional Learning Needs (ALN) Reform
The Additional Learning Needs and Educational Tribunal Wales (ALNET) Act is a signifciant aspect of the overarching ALN Transformation Programme. At the heart of these reforms, there is a clear focus on inclusion and, specifcially, putting children and young people and their families at the centre. This ensures they are supported to reach their full potential.

Individual Development Plans (IDP)
An Individual Development Plan (IDP) outlines and documents the additional learning provision required to meet the identified ALN. It is central to assessing and meeting ALN going forwards. Moreoer, IDPs will fully replace Statement of Special Educational Needs by September 2025. IDPs are a single plan with a common format and are designed to integrate all other individual plans. One of the strengths of the new IDP model is that they are designed to be more accessible and easier to update to meet changing the needs of individuals. Furthermore, they will specify the additional learning provision (ALP) required to meet the learner's ALN.

Each IDP will include a clear action plan, which will be reviewed, at least, every 12-months or on request from a parent/carer to consider whether the child or young person is making progress towards their targets. An IDP review will gather and analyse any new information or evidence. It will consider if the description of ALN in the IDP is still correct in the light of any new information or evidence, whether new targets should be set and whether the provision is still appropriate. We will discuss person-centred planning reviews in the next section.

If a young person or parent/carer is unhappy about the school or college decision, they can ask that the local authority (LA) reconsider the decision made based on whether the child or young person has ALN; requesting that an IDP is reviewed by the LA; that the LA considers taking over a school or FEI IDP; and/or reconsidering a school’s decision to cease to maintain an IDP.

Roles and responsibilities 
Mrs Macdonald, is our Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo) and she is responsible for leading and coordinating additional learning provision (ALP) for students who require educational or training provision that is, ‘…additional to, or different from, that made generally for others of the same age…’, ALN Code for Wales 2021, Chapter 2. Mr Toghill, as Assistant Head, has strategic oversight of inclusion across the school and supports Mrs Macdonald to ensure the school is meeting the needs of pupils and fulfilling its statutory duties. 

Deciding whether a pupil has an ALN will be based on assessment of progress over time, from a range of sources. Where pupils have an identified disability, for the purposes of the Equality Act, assessment evidence will relate to whether that disability prevents or hinders the pupil from accessing any aspect of the school curriculum. Our ALNCo plays a key role in developing a shared understanding of progress for individual pupils, including expectations around what progression may look like and the pace at which a student may progress. 

Strategic Oversight of Additional Learning Needs (designated Leadership Team member)
Mr Toghill (Assistant Head)
Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo)
Mrs Macdonald (ALNCo)

Useful Links
RCT Access and Inclusion
Mrs Macdonald's ALN Microsite 

"There are highly effective arrangements to identify and support those pupils with special educational needs (SEN) and those who have emotional, health or social issues" (Estyn)